• Published On: September 16, 2024|7.3 min read|

    How Does Your Weight Impact Life Insurance?

    This is a highly important topic that often gets overlooked when it comes to managing our weight. So for this article I’ve partnered with the experts from www.Reassured.Co.Uk, the [...]

  • Published On: July 14, 2024|6.6 min read|

    “Fat to Fit” : My husband’s story in his own words

    Yesterday my husband had a bit of an epiphany moment and he wanted me to share it. So I've let him take over my blog to tell his story. [...]

  • Published On: July 13, 2024|5.7 min read|

    My thoughts on body positivity and being overweight

    I am all for learning to love ourselves. It's one of the main aspects of my work with my clients as a behaviour change expert and life coach specialising [...]

  • Published On: July 6, 2024|2.5 min read|

    Vote for YOU and your healthy weight

    The UK has recently woken up to a new government. I don't talk about politics in my work, but I do think there are some important parallels with my [...]